Thinking people value data, as has been available on the Pandemic to help judge what one should do. Placed on a map it is very insightful, appearing in the news every day it is current, and it is the future of intelligent discourse. That is why I find it very alarming that the Trump Administration is sending its people into hospitals to gather Covid data.Hospital data on coronavirus patients will now be rerouted to the Trump administration instead of first being sent to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Health and Human Services confirmed to CNN on Tuesday.— CNN (@CNN) July 15, 2020
This is straight out of the Russian Disinformation catalog [for more on that,Ggoogle The Fog of Falsehood authored by the Finnish Institute of International Affairs which knows the Way of the Ruskies very frigging well.] He and crew have penchant for lies - I know whereof I speak because I recently Aced a Cognitive Test where I did better than Einstein, trust me.
There is no such thing as perfect data, of course, if you think I think it is, you are not thinking. There is problem in collection, parsing, processing, statistical analysis. And tho they can mis-step I trust the CDC more than I trust Trump’s counters.*
Who announced this new deal? Michael Caputo. You cannot make this stuff up. Name ring a bell? Caputo was mentored by Roger J. Stone Jr. in the ways of political advisement, and became his personal driver. Caputo was an advisor to Vlad Putin. He was fired from the 2016 Trump campaign about the time Paul Manfort was fired. He was hired to be the Comm Person and HHS in April. Like lot in Stone’s snotty camp he is a clyde the snide. You cannot turn over a rock with the Trump Administration and not discover a snake. More too come as the helicopter alofts from the White House, and the rope steps rise.
*Goya Black Bean Counters from Hell
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