Thursday, June 24, 2021

So, Anyway... | John Cleese | Talks at Google

When I started out in high tech publishing, the head of the company was a well-mannered businessman - and, surely, salesman, who was glad to discuss his graduate business management thesis at a well known Eastern Ivy League establishment on the topic of 'how to manage creative people.' He like more than a few sales-publishing bosses that ran things in my stops on the way liked journalists and art dept folk (the latter, especially, if they wore miniskirts), but he was the only one that ever explicitly seemed to look at what was going on this way - that managing creative people was the task. 

My recollection of the best stop with the most fun crew is that we would play, regale and generally show off and entertain each other through the day and would, many of us get to actual work around 4pm. It's still my notion of the creative process or part of the process.

That's the background for posting this Google Talk with John Cleese, who was decided his topic for the Google Talk that day was creativity.  There's a lot said. And Cleese...He's a good talker! - Lincoln Metcolmb Noel Thworpe, Guest Editor

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