Saturday, December 05, 2020

Pandemica: Ueckerized during the time of Corona


This year has been pandemical. Not funny at all. Been in prison, in effect. If I were to do a year in review, it would be me in an easy-boy. May do it. Certainly in the mix would be Bob Uecker, broadcasting Brewers games (all desperate) with fake crowd sounds on the MLB app and swatting at night bugs on the back portal. Uek is 85 and has tremendous energy in description. Things go on four tracks: the count/immediate action, the overall game narrative, season-level background and advertisements for sausages.

Nicky Lopez will start things off against Brent Sutter Then. It's Merrifield followed by Monaci. 

Five one  Brewers all of the scoring via the home run balls by Daniel Vogelbach.

Sutter deals and he missed or did he? Got enough. Strike on the outside corner.

One two run shot in the opening inning and then another shot in the sixth with two on. 

All five rbis for Vogelbach today. 

One ball and one strike. 

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