Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Electric Circuitry


Like his 1960s compatriot Marshall McLuhan, who wrote of a dramatic "electric circuitry that has overthrown the regime of ‘time’ and ‘space’ and pours upon instantly and continuously the concerns of all other men,” Sanders similarly sees a global import in the glyph-like character of the new age circuit.  &^*+

The signals become the lyricist's medium, as Bradley Plunket and Lester Kushner would demonstrate in the cicuit they built and wired to a foot clutch to make the Wah-Wah Pedal, emblazoned on'60s consciousness by Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, the Fugs and others. With the Wah-Wah for Sanders, card carrying member of the East Side Gilbert Erector Set society of sharing, creativity, love and buzz, the connection between the Wah-Wah, Hendrix, and was palpable. And was described in a 2011 sit-down with Interview Magazine. @#&%

"No country that invented the wah-wah pedal can be totally evil. The Fugs’ equipment manager, a guy named Danny Green, showed an early prototype to Jimi Hendrix, who took it off to England, then hit the Monterey Pop Festival and became the genius of the wah-wah pedal. We were astounded by the rise in technology and the thrill of freedom."

He sees the ornamental channels as seen on the Greek friezes come to life with the ghost of electricity. 

@#&% https://www.interviewmagazine.com/culture/ed-sanders-the-fugs-fug-you

&^*+ p.16 The Medium is the Massage.

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