Trump has the world in his hands. The madman jumps and the populace has to pay notice. Last night the second and last debate. Me, screaming like a wife battering husband, and wishing him on his way to hell. How vile his smile when he lies all the while. He’s the Queens bar setter.Waiting for judgement day - Praying in America to toss out bullying baby and his shitful bath water. He tried a ploy – to pose a minor resemblance to a human being for 5 minutes. And America, astounded! He's "going to release his taxes." You dont have to study behavioral psychology to see how much he lights up when he digs into a big lie.
Click on 'Composition' link below to hear my latest song!
It's got a good beat and you can dance to it.
Composition: Trump is no good - Jack Vaughan - [MP3]
Alt verses
Trump has no respect for a Democrat like me
Trump has no respect for a Democrat like me
He tells the arena Im a joke
He says that I'm out to steal the vote
Trump has no respect for a Democrat like me
Trump has no respect for a Democrat like me
Trump has no respect for a Democrat like me
He tells the arena Im a joke
He says that I'm out to steal the vote
Trump has no respect for a Democrat like me
Trump has no respect for a Democrat like me
Trump has no respect for a Democrat like me
I worked hard all my life
Trump has no respect for a Democrat like me
I worked hard all my life
to him that's a laugh
he calls me dirty names
and he makes fun of handicaps
Trump has no respect for a Democrat like me
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