Sunday, January 08, 2017

Misc - I came Twitter as I was

I came Twitter as I was.. as I was asked to by my employers. That is how JackIVaughan on Twitter happened. Later I adopted a Smiling Jack persona there. I gathered followers, many related to technology. It spread out over time to encompass sports, music etc too. Thereafter my employers asked me to create a Twitter account that explicitly named them. So I had two accnts, and the new one like the former, gained technology related followers. Then I formed a third account, dedicated to Tom Paine and politics. (I shut it down after the 2016 Democratic election debacle, which social media, I think, had a hand in.) I didnt and still dont think it is my place to inflict my political point of view on people that followed me for technology chatter. I feel somewhat similarly about Facebook - it seems more a place to show pics of the grandkids and recall high school schenanigans, rather than do politics (to a point). And there are some folks who use Facebook that way that I would like to pie. So what? I did get used to spouting off, and I am trying here to use a portion of Moon Traveller as a political forum. We will see how it goes. - Jack Vaughan

So that splains things. Here are my two Twitter handles:@JackIVaughan and @JackVaughanatTT  

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